Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Final Post: Course Reflection

Through this course I have gained great insight into multicultural books that represent a wide variety of cultures. The most valuable skill that I took from this course is the ability to evaluate and critique books based on their authenticity regarding the culture they are representing. Although there is no way to catch all the stereotypes and negative representations in every book, I learned how to question literature to the best of my ability and notice the details in the text that may portray the culture inaccurately.

While reflecting back on my Questioning the Text papers, I can see a vast difference in my writing from the beginning of the semester to the end. When I first starting writing the papers I was unsure of exactly what to look for when evaluating multicultural texts and was nervous that I was going to miss something important while reading the books. When the time came to write my final papers I had numerous ideas about what to write about that I could support with examples from the text and the accompanying articles. I now find myself evaluating media all around me – whether it be literature, magazines, television, movies, etc. I look at the multicultural aspects of the world that surrounds me and I am more apt to be sensitive to stereotypes or misrepresentations than I was prior to this course.

The articles that we read to accompany the books were very helpful in providing additional insight as we read. They helped me to identify characteristics of the books that should be questioned and provided a model for me to look to as I created my own critical essays of the works. By reading the articles and seeing the wide range of valuable information they provided concerning diversity in literature, I will be sure to seek this type of resource in the future as I choose and evaluate books to include in my classroom library.

By reading the books assigned for the course and completing the final project, both my own as well as listening to others’ discuss their findings, I feel confident that I will be able to find literature that will depict underrepresented cultures and include these books in my classroom library. It is important that students in my classroom can look to the books as both a mirror, to see a reflection of their own culture, and a window, to gain insight into the cultures of those who they may not be familiar with. I never paid much attention to the representations of various cultures within books unless it was specifically stated as the book’s purpose to teach about a certain culture. I now can look at literature with a different lens.

My biggest concern about incorporating multicultural literature in my classroom is the reaction of parents and others in the community to books that may be controversial. Although it is sad, the truth is that not everyone is open minded enough and ready to see certain cultures represented positively in literature meant for children. Some parents may complain that it is their responsibility to teach their children about various cultures in a way that reflects their own family’s values and beliefs. As a teacher, I know that students will be exposed to a variety of cultures starting at a young age and it is important that they have had positive exposure about cultures that may be different than their own – and an excellent source for this exposure is literature.

After taking this course I am much more aware of the importance of incorporating books that portray a variety of underrepresented groups accurately and without associating stereotypes in a negative way. I now know how to critically look at books and identify portrayals that may offend the culture they are representing and deciphering whether the negative representation is enough to remove the book from my library or if it would suffice to find a companion reading to refute the negative images. When I am building my classroom library I will constantly be looking for how the books represent various cultures and will make a conscious attempt to include books that depict numerous groups, not just those dominant within my classroom or community.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Final Project Reflection

I was happy to find that there were a significant number of picture books to choose from while researching GLBTQ literature. I decided to focus on picture books rather than novels because I believe it is important for children to be exposed to this culture at a young age, and I do not think that happens in most schools and homes. GLBTQ issues are a touchy topic for many adults to talk about with children, and quality picture books can serve as an excellent resource to start a conversation.

Out of the five picture books I read, three of them included homosexual characters without ever specifically talking about their homosexuality in blatant terms. Emma and Meesha My Boy only briefly mentioned that Emma’s mothers’ names were Mommy and Mama, which served as clarification for readers that in the following pages ‘Mommy’ and ‘Mama’ were two separate people – not just one mother who was called different names. Beyond that one page, the story just includes Emma’s lesbian mothers as a background for the story – their homosexuality could be erased from the book and the story would remain the same. King and King and And Tango Makes Three never mention that the characters are gay. Instead, the author describes how the male characters are attracted and fall in love with other male characters and both books end with same-sex couples living “happily ever after.”

The other two books, Daddy’s Roommate and Molly’s Family address the issue of homosexuality more directly. Both books discuss how the characters spend time with their homosexual parents in the same ways that children with heterosexual parents do. However, Molly’s Family is the only one of the five books that addresses issues that may arise when others discover that you live in a family with homosexual parents. Molly’s Family describes the questions that Molly faces from her classmates about why her family is different than theirs. The book ends with an overall message that there are a variety of different types of families, but all are equally important and valid.The rest of the books seem to portray an idealistic view of what life is like for those who are homosexual and their families and do not include the negative aspects, such as discrimination, ridicule, and denial of acceptance, which may occur.

Daddy’s Roommate is the only book that uses the term “gay” when describing the main character’s father and his “roommate.” The term is offered by the character’s mother and is defined as “just one more kind of love.” The rest of the books implied the homosexuality, but never delve into an explanation or definition of the term. Because of this, Daddy’s Roommate can be used as a learning tool for discussing GLBTQ terms. The explanation that the book gives can be used as a starting point for a conversation that addresses what it means to be “gay,” “lesbian,” etc.

As a whole, the books steer clear of including stereotypes in their depictions of alternative families, both in the written text as well as the illustrations. And Tango Makes Three, Daddy’s Roommate, and Molly’s Family, are pieces of quality GLBTQ literature and would be a valuable asset to include in a classroom library. Emma and Meesha My Boy is not a bad book, but it does not give enough attention to the fact that Meesha has two mothers to be considered a valued piece of multicultural literature. The characters could have been easily replaced and the mothers’ orientation was not a central focus of the story. King and King should not be immediately discarded either. Although it is not the best representation of GLBTQ literature for children due to its simplistic nature, children will most likely be able to connect with the book because of their familiarity with fairy tale stories.

After my first trip to the library I came home with eight books that were all about homosexual males. I was surprised to discover this and wondered whether this was because there were more published books about gay men or if it was purely coincidental. I made another trip to the library and specifically searched for books about homosexual women. This time, I came home with two books about lesbian mothers and two books that depicting a vast array of different family structures that included gay, lesbian, and transgender people. While building my own library I would be interested to look beyond the books I found for this project and would like to see what literature is available concerning all aspects of the GLBTQ culture.

Be Careful, Little Eyes

Collum, Jason. “Be careful, little eyes.” American Family Association Journal May 2004. Accessed 2 April 2008 on the World Wide Web:


The article Be careful, little eyes by Jason Collum talks about the uproar that occurs after a young girl brings home the book King and King from her school library. Her parents could not believe that this book, which depicts two princes marrying one another, was available for students and demanded that it be taken off the shelves. Their reasoning was that, “My child is not old enough to understand something like that, especially when it’s not in our beliefs.”

The article provides information about a web-site,, that will educate parents, teachers, and librarians about certain books that “may seem innocent and are intended for children” but “really deserve a stern review from parents first.” This website reviews books that are of a “questionable” nature to make parents aware of the material that their children may be exposed to. Although this could be a useful resource for children’s books that depict violence or overt sexual actions, it seems outrageous that GLBTQ books would also be considered necessary to “review.”

Collum goes on to discuss the book King and King in more detail and states that the authors of the book did not intend for the story to have homosexual undertones. King and King co-author Stern Nijland stated that, “It’s a happy story – it’s just two princes, that’s it.” The president of the American Freedom Association responded to this claim by saying, “I realize the authors live in the Netherlands and homosexuality – rather, sin – is accepted in that culture, but to say such a book isn’t an endorsement of that lifestyle is ludicrous.”

The American Family Association claims that its goal is not to get books such as King and King banned from libraries and bookshelves because “Freedom of speech in the United States allows for such fare, no matter how tasteless or disgusting, to exist.” Instead, it is the goal of AFA, as well as the creator of the website to educate parents so they know “that not all books in the children’s section of the library or bookstore should be considered safe.”

While reading this article, I was struck by disbelief that there continue to be people who can be this naïve in today’s world. It saddens me to think that there are people working against making multicultural literature a valued part of libraries and bookstores. Parents need to realize that with or without books, children will not be able to avoid coming into contact with people from various cultures and that books provide a resource for children to become knowledgeable about those who may differ from themselves. This is not to say that parents don’t reserve the right to share their beliefs with their children, but they should do so in a way that does not shut the door and dismiss the diverse body of people who make up our nation. Children’s books such as King and King should be embraced as a learning opportunity and discussion tool rather than seen as a curse to society.

Emma and Meesha My Boy: A Two Mom Story

Considine, Kaitlyn. Emma and Meesha My Boy: A Two Mom Story. Philadelphia: Xlibris Publications, 2003.

Emma and Meesha My Boy: A Two Mom Story is about a young girl, Emma, who likes to take care of and play with her cat, Meesha My Boy. When Emma starts playing inappropriately with the cat, such as trying to paint it brown, her two mothers, Mommy and Mama, take turns telling her to stop. When she is nice to the cat both mothers praise her and give her advice as to how to take care of her pet.

The book is written for young children and is appealing for beginning readers due to its large font and cartoon illustrations. The text also has a rhyming scheme that makes it fun and interesting to read. Children reading the story may be able to relate to Emma and she learns how to care for her pet appropriately.

This book does not touch on issues of homosexuality at all beyond stating that Emma has two mothers. Mommy and Mama play a very small role in the story as the plot mainly explains the misadventures of Emma and Meesha My Boy as she learns how to take care of her pet. The book represents both mothers as a central part of Emma’s life and each seem to play an equal role in disciplining Emma as well as praising her good deeds. Mommy and Mama are a part of the backdrop to the story and their sexual orientation does not affect the story either positively or negatively. Although the book is attractive for young readers, I do not believe that it should not be considered a quality piece of GLBTQ literature since Meesha’s mothers’ sexual orientation was not central to the story. The child friendly text and illustrations can, however, make the book useful for teaching young children the importance of caring for their pets and can be used to start a discussion about non-traditional families that goes beyond the content of the book itself.

Daddy's Roommate

Willhoite, Michael. Daddy’s Roommate. California: Alyson Publications, 1990.

Daddy’s Roommate is a story told by a young boy about his father and his new “roommate.” The narrator tells about how his dad lives with Frank and describes the kind of things that they do together: work together, eat together, sleep together, etc. The boy also tells about the things that he does with his dad and Frank when he sees them on weekends: going shopping, going to the beach, going to ball games, etc. The character is happy when he spends time with his dad and Frank.

Daddy’s Roommate quickly became one of the most challenged and banned books in the decade between 1990 and 2000. It is known as one of the first children’s book to portray homosexuality in a positive light. It is praised for showing a real-world depiction of homosexual relationships as a compliment to the more traditional mom-and-dad model. However, it is criticized for showing the relationship as completely untroubled – which makes the story more unbelievable.

This book is appealing for young readers as the text consists of short phrases on each page. Every page tells about something that the character enjoys doing with his day and includes a realistic cartoon illustration containing vibrant colors that attracts the reader's attention. Since the phrases on each page are so short, the illustrations help to tell the story.

Daddy’s Roommate portrays the life of a homosexual couple in ways similar to what one might expect from a more commonly depicted heterosexual couple. The character’s mother explains that his dad and Frank are gay and that “being gay is just one more kind of love, and love is the best kind of happiness.” It excludes any discrepancy that may exist due to his father’s homosexual relationship, both from outside society as well as between his mother and father. The book does a good job depicting that life with a parent who is homosexual is just like the “average” person’s experience.

King and King

Haan, Linda and Stern Nijland. King and King. Berkeley: Tricycle Press, 2000.

King and King is a book about a prince who is ordered by his mother, the queen, to find someone to marry so he could become king. The prince is dissatisfied with all the princesses that who arrive at the castle hoping to be chosen to be his wife. It wasn’t until a princess arrived with her brother, Prince Lee, that the prince fell in love. However, he did not wish for the princess; he instead wanted to marry the Prince Lee. The two were wed and became known as “King and King.” There is a sequel to the book entitled King and King and Family which follows the two kings on their honeymoon, where they find a orphaned girl and decide to raise her as a princess.

The text and illustrations in King and King are interesting and attractive for young readers. The text is not written in straight lines and plain font; instead, it is curved around the page and uses different fonts and sizes throughout the book. The illustrations are cartoons but are somewhat abstract. The “messy” fashion of the illustrations truly draws attention to the pictures as the story is read.

King and King has been challenged in many schools and libraries. The most notable confrontation against the book was in 2006 when a lawsuit was filed against an elementary school that contained the book in its library. The lawsuit claimed that the book constituted sexual education without parental consent and that young children were presented with a positive view of homosexuality, which may not be the beliefs of the students’ families. Luckily, the judge dismissed the case and celebrated the book for its depiction of diversity within our society.

King and King told an interesting spoof of more commonly known fairy tales as the prince searches for his soul mate in order to take the throne. The book never calls the prince “gay” and does not reveal any hesitation or disappointment from others when he decides to marry another male instead of the females that are brought to the castle. The book ends by saying that “everyone lives happily ever after” as the two kings enjoy their life together. Although the narrative is rather simplistic, the story captures the idea that it is okay to go against other’s expectations (i.e. the prince marrying a woman) if what you choose to do remains true to yourself.

Molly's Family

Garden, Nancy. Molly’s Family. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2004.

Molly’s Family is a story about a kindergartener who is preparing for Open School night with her classmates. She draws a picture of her family, which consists of her Mommy, her Mama Lu, and her puppy Sam. When one of her classmates saw her drawing he told her that she couldn’t have two mommies. Molly’s classmates started discussing their families – one student just had a daddy, another had a grandma, a mommy, a daddy, and two brothers – but no one else had two mommies. Molly went home and talked with her Mommy and Mama Lu and they explained that there were many different kinds of families and that not everyone’s family looked the same. For back to school night Molly brought her picture to school and hung it on the wall for everyone to see.

Although this story would be appropriate and enjoyable for young children, the format of the book makes it a better read aloud for beginning readers. Each page contains a paragraph of the story and the text is written in small font and includes a lot of dialogue. Young children would benefit from listening to the story while looking at the beautiful illustrations with soothing pastel colors.

This book did a good job depicting the kind of conflict and confusion that may occur in a school setting when a student has same-sex parents. The words “lesbian” and “homosexual” were not used in the book directly as the book’s message is not stated overtly; Molly’s parents’ homosexuality was implied through the text. The story seemed very realistic as the main character struggled to identify her family as “normal.” Molly’s classmates didn’t understand how she could have two mothers since they were never exposed to a family like hers. The book’s main message was that there are many different kinds of families, and all should be considered equally important and valid. The book serves as a great resource for students to look at who are questioning their own family identity and face ridicule from those outside their family who do not take the time to understand their differences.